First, their eyes. They are permeating, seeking – the eyes of children intrigued. They gaze in awe over boxes of supplies being carried up the school steps from easily 20 steps below and their eyesContinue reading
Category: Charity Climb
Reaching Higher Grounds
The legion of skyscrapers towering Cebu City are proof enough of a desire to always be on top. One way or another, we may admit it or not, each one of us has the burningContinue reading
buKID– A charity climb.
Education is considered as one of the top problems of a third world country. In my beloved Philippines, we have a lot of issues that makes us stick to being third world or Class CContinue reading
Bukid, a Charity Climb
School Year 2013-2014 opens this June 3 and for the less fortunate children of the highlands, this means another year of scrimping on paper, borrowing pens, and no notebooks to write on. It’s a sadContinue reading